Miss You Already

If you know any of those witchy women that bottle younger women’s tears and drink them at night as their source of power, tell her to hang out at a few showings of Miss You Already, she will soon become stronger than ever before!

There are those sad movies where you find yourself having to breath slowly out of your mouth as a tear runs down your face so that you do not release an audible sob…this is not one of those movies.  There is no holding back audible anythings while watching Toni Colette and Drew Barrymore tackle friendship, marriage, cancer, children, and the paths we create and leave behind.  I cried, out loud for about 60% of this movie.  I laughed too, and gasped, and nodded in agreement and sentiment, but I definitely cried…oh yes, I cried.

Both actresses are equally lovely and bring what seems to be a touch of their own personalities and traumas to the screen, making for a very organic relationship.  The movie does not shy away from showing how unrelenting and horrible cancer can be – using the word ‘heartbreaking’ would be an understatement.  However; it also focuses on the heartbreak that can come from a divide in a deep and true friendship.  Both plot lines make it easy to reflect on one’s own choices and outward-facing energy – quite the interactive film.

It may not be an award-winning film, but I did finish an entire margherita pizza whilst viewing (Sundance Sunset has fancy food options, one must indulge).  Go see it…bring tissues, like an entire box.

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